Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

More Circular Design! Karel Golta calls for a new era of design thinking

The innovation pioneer Karel Golta sees circular design as the key to a sustainable future. His plea: we need to redefine the way we design products.

More Circular Design! Karel Golta calls for a new era of design thinking -

For Karel Golta, pioneer of innovation management, circular design goes beyond recycling - it's about designing products with durability and recyclability from the outset. What are the challenges of circular design? What role do aesthetics and AI play in this process? And why is cross innovation a model for the future in this process? We spoke to the innovation manager at the German Creative Economy Summit.

German Creative Economy Summit 2025

Good discussions, exciting insights and sustainable networking: the summit brings the cultural and creative industries together in Hamburg. Get your Super Early Bird tickets now and submit your ideas to the Call for Participation!

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