AI & Creative Industries
Strategies, tools, legal issues: The event series for employees and managers on the latest topics around AI & creative industries.
Hamburg's creative professionals from all sectors can gain further qualifications 365 days a year with our advisory and continuing education services.
Besucht mit uns Kampnagel – für spannende Einblicke in die Arbeitskultur, Jobprofile & Einstiegsmöglichkeiten.
Besucht mit uns urbanista – für spannende Einblicke in die Arbeitskultur, Jobprofile & Einstiegsmöglichkeiten.
Welche Auswirkungen hat Künstliche Intelligenz auf die Musikwirtschaft? Dieser Frage widmen wir uns beim Branchenimpuls KI & Musik.
Isabel Jansen is Head of Counselling & Further Education. As part of this role, she is responsible for the strategic development and management of the diverse programmes and events: Personal consultations, subsidised business coaching, digital lecture series, intensive workshops, training programmes lasting several months, podcasts and video formats. Hamburg's creative professionals gain further qualifications throughout the year with these advisory and training programmes.
The Cross Innovation Hub is also working on the continuation of the project.
In addition to organising cultural projects and working as a production manager at Film, Isabel Jansen also worked at the Betahaus Hamburg coworking space and as a freelance teacher in the fields of digital education and project management.
Isabel Jansen studied Cultural Studies (B.A., Leuphana University of Lüneburg) and Media Communications (B.A.) at the University of South Wales. She also studied Cultural and Media Management (M.A.) at the KMM Institute in Hamburg while working.
Marie ist im Bereich Beratung & Weiterbildung für alle Angebote für Studierende und Absolvent*innen sowie den Themenbereich Crowdfunding und den Music-WorX-Inkubator zuständig. Sie studierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre (B. Sc.) an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel und war mehrere Jahre lang als Studioassistentin bei verschiedenen Hörfunkprogrammen des NDR tätig.
Andreas war lange Jahre Geschäftsführer des VUT-Nord (Verband der unabhängigen Musikunternehmen) und anschließend des Jazzbüro Hamburg e. V. Seit 2015 betreut er die Labelförderung für die Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft. Außerdem ist er für den Coach- und Expertenpool sowie Beratungen bei der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft zuständig.
Susanne works as a knowledge manager at the Cross Innovation Hub on the theory and practice of cross-sector collaboration between the creative industries and other sectors of the economy. Together with others, she set up the Consulting & Training division, where she has already been responsible for consultations, organised a series of events for networking creative professionals and offered a workshop programme. Today, she is part of the team that designs events and workshops on the topic of artificial intelligence.
Before joining Kreativ Gesellschaft, Susanne worked as a research assistant in the graduate programme "Aesthetic Education" at the University of Hamburg and as a personal assistant to the artistic director at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus. As a freelancer, she has also worked for several years with theatre and dance professionals from Hamburg and Berlin in the areas of concept development, public relations and financing.
The Cross Innovation Hub is supported by the European Regional Development Fund(ERDF).
Clara Bökelheide is a project manager in the pilot projects. She previously supported the Counselling & Further Education team as a project assistant. She studied Cultural Studies (B.A.) and Cultural Studies: Culture & Organisation (M.A.) at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. She is also involved in lunatic e.V., which organises the lunatic festival for art, music and culture in Lüneburg every year at the beginning of June. She is responsible for administration and finances in the organisation.
Celina Behn is in charge of the funding program "Frei_Fläche: Raum für kreative Zwischennutzung" (Free_space: space for creative interim use) as project manager within our Space unit.
Celina Behn studied Urban Planning at HafenCity University Hamburg and has already worked in various practical fields in the urban development sector. In various projects (including with Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft), she dealt thoroughly with the interactions between creative industries and urban development.