Label promotion
Together with the Ministry of Culture and Media, we support cross-genre releases by small Hamburg music labels.
Together with the Ministry of Culture and Media, we support cross-genre releases by small Hamburg music labels.
Especially for small labels, the implementation of creative projects is often associated with great difficulties. The label funding is intended to remedy this: With it, we give operators of Hamburg music labels more planning security in the preparation and realisation of music releases. Especially artistic productions whose realisation fails due to commercial considerations are given the chance to be produced.
Label funding is a grant from the Department for Culture and Media. Applications are submitted via an online application portal, and we will support you in the application process.
The first funding round ran from 18 January to 1 March 2023. Another funding round is planned for 2023, but the dates have not yet been set. Subscribe to our newsletter and be informed about the start of the next funding round.
Andreas war lange Jahre Geschäftsführer des VUT-Nord (Verband der unabhängigen Musikunternehmen) und anschließend des Jazzbüro Hamburg e. V. Seit 2015 betreut er die Labelförderung für die Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft. Außerdem ist er für den Coach- und Expertenpool sowie Beratungen bei der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft zuständig.
Applications can be submitted by music-producing companies with their registered office or branch in Hamburg. They must be micro-enterprises as defined by EU regulations (less than ten employees, less than two million euros annual turnover or balance sheet total). Affiliated companies are to be treated as one company.
GEMA costs and running costs (e.g. for rent) are not funded.
Funding is provided in the form of a grant of 3,000 to 10,000 euros per funding case. The own contribution is at least 50 per cent. As a rule, projects with a requested funding amount of less than 3,000 euros are not considered. The total costs of the project must therefore amount to at least 6,000 euros. Production and marketing/promotion are considered separate, independent projects. Since the production costs for sound carriers and GEMA costs are not eligible for funding in the production process, they may not be added to the total costs.
Essential documents are the signed application, the presentation of the project, information about the company and the artist as well as audio sample(s). With the exception of the written application, the application procedure takes place online. The details of the required information and documents can be found in the steps to be carried out within the framework of the online procedure.
In principle, the project to be funded must not have been started at the time of the funding decision. The funding decision is regularly made within 6 weeks after the closing date for the funding round. The deadline can be found on the Hamburg Label Funding website. The application must therefore be submitted in good time before the start of the project so that these deadlines can be met.
Applications received are examined according to formal and content-related aspects. The Authority for Culture and the Media is supported in its decision on funding by an advisory panel of experts. The members of the panel are industry representatives from the areas of distribution/trade, media/press, labels/VUT and the live sector. They are bound to confidentiality. If the applications meet the criteria of the pre-selection, they will be submitted to the expert panel for assessment.
In principle, the project to be funded must not have been started at the time of the funding decision. The funding decision is regularly made within 6 weeks after the closing date for the funding round. The deadline can be found on the Hamburg Label Funding website. The application must therefore be submitted in good time before the start of the project so that these deadlines can be met.
Yes. Individual projects are funded in each case.
No, cumulation with other funding aids/programmes used/applied for (in particular federal funding from the Initiative Musik gGmbH) is not permitted.