Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Gen AI: What role remains for creatives?

New tools, changed work processes, unimagined results - artificial intelligence (AI) has gone from being a narrative of the future to a working reality. How do experts see the role of creative professionals in the future?

Gen AI: What role remains for creatives? -

What role remains for creative professionals?

The experts speak here

"AI will change the creative world and is already changing it. However, this does not necessarily mean something negative for creatives. In the early 1990s, there was a huge outcry when the onset of digitalisation made pen and paper almost superfluous for graphic designers, for example. In the end, the benefits of new technology were great for everyone involved: creatives were able to develop further and evaluate new methods, while companies benefited equally. The current development shows that this could be similar for creative work with and through AI."

Gen AI: What role remains for creatives? -

Ariane Jung

Senior Associate, PLANIT // LEGAL

"In the age of generative AI, creative professionals are increasingly working in teams with AI models. The focus is shifting from execution to conceptualisation: briefings, prompts and training data are the key. In future, people will select and curate AI work results. The creative industry might employ slightly fewer people, but the demands on conceptualisation work will increase. An exciting future awaits us!"

Gen AI: What role remains for creatives? -

Peter Kabel

Founder, consultant and professor

"AI cannot develop independent art. Generative AI reproduces its training data, i.e. our works and achievements, and responds to the commands it receives. Copyright is a human right, it does not apply to machines. The creators of art, culture and media remain human beings - even if they use AI tools to support them."

Gen AI: What role remains for creatives? -

Matthias Hornschuh

Composer and spokesperson for the creatives in the Copyright Initiative

"The majority of creatives will probably not be able to compete commercially with the flat rate of tech companies. However, it will be irrelevant for those companies whether someone slips from a creative profession into a creative hobby as long as they do not dry up as a source of data. For those who remain, the question arises: if more and more creative decisions are left to an AI, what will that do to my work, our cultural heritage and our social communication?"

Gen AI: What role remains for creatives? -

Tobias Wüstefeld

Motion Director and Illustrator

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