Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

A visit to Jung von Matt

Jung von Matt offers creative and efficient marketing communication across all channels and disciplines. In the podcast, we listen over the shoulders of a copywriter and a recruiter - application tips guaranteed.

A visit to Jung von Matt -

Today we are at Jung von Matt. We meet Simon Schaffhöfer, he is a copywriter and gives us an insight into his work as a copywriter and concept developer. Antonia Friedrichs from the HR department gives tips on how to apply and what career opportunities there are at Jung von Matt.

About Jung von Matt

Jung von Matt is an owner-managed advertising agency headquartered in Hamburg with 24 subsidiaries in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, China, Poland, Sweden, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The agency offers its clients creative and efficient marketing communication across all channels and disciplines.

Links to

Company website
Jobs at Jung von Matt
Jung von Matt Academy

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