Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

A visit to brand eins

We spend a day with Stefan Ostermeier, head of the photo editorial department at the Hamburg business magazine brand eins, and ask: How do you get started?

A visit to brand eins -

In today's episode, we visit the Hamburg-based business magazine brand eins. We meet Stefan Ostermeier, who works in the picture editing and graphics department. We spend a day with him at work and get an exclusive insight behind the scenes and into his job description. We also used the creative starter checklist to find out what the application process and entry opportunities at brand eins can look like.

About brand eins

brand eins is a business magazine published once a month. The name brand eins is derived from the first editorial address: Brandstwiete 1 in Hamburg. brand eins has been independent from day one. The magazine focusses on economic and socio-political topics as well as reports, features and interviews from the field.

Links to

Company website
Jobs at brand eins: There is no central contact point for jobs at brand eins. It is best to contact the department you are interested in directly via the website.

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