HAMBURG WASSER & Stromnetz Hamburg: Concept for sustainable & temporary multiple use of space
How can green spaces be used collectively and sustainably?
How can green spaces be used collectively and sustainably?
In the Cross Innovation Lab, a team from HAMBURG WASSER and Stromnetz Hamburg developed a platform that enables companies to utilise space in multiple ways in order to fully exploit the potential of urban areas.
Major cities like Hamburg face a key challenge: space and land are scarce and expensive. At the same time, the potential of private and semi-public spaces that are not subject to the usual market utilisation logic is far from exhausted. And this is particularly true with regard to sustainable use. Various users can realise sustainable projects on these spaces that offer direct added value to the urban community.
HAMBURG WASSER and Stromnetz Hamburg, which themselves own sites, parts of which could be made available for temporary multiple uses, have asked themselves in the Cross Innovation Lab how sites and potential uses can be brought together while taking sustainability criteria into account.
The result is the prototype of find (space, ideas, network, thinking), a platform that brings potential users together with companies that have space available.
In order to post spaces on the platform, companies have to provide precise information about the spaces: the location, size, surroundings, type of space, facilities, security requirements and the potential utilisation period for their space.
Users, on the other hand, can filter all available spaces on the find platform according to these categories and thus find the right space for their planned use.
Once the right space has been found, users apply to the companies with their idea. The companies check whether the enquiries meet the requirements and fulfil find' s sustainability standards.
If the idea fits the space and one of the corresponding usage categories, all further details are discussed individually.
find offers the opportunity to make space available for sustainable use in densely populated areas such as in a city like Hamburg.
The project is currently looking for follow-up funding to put the idea into practice.
The utilisation categories are: Biodiversity, mobility, neighbourhood, education & social affairs, housing, art & culture, gastronomy, leisure & sport, sustainable energy, organic farming.
Creative experts: Leonie Sophie Werner, Lisa Heidenblut
People from the corporate side: Dr Franziska Meinzinger (HAMBURG WASSER), Silvio von Neuhoff (Stromnetz Hamburg), Dr Oliver Trede (Stromnetz Hamburg)
"The Innovation Lab has enabled us to think in new ways and collaborate with different stakeholders. Our team took on important sustainable challenges and in the end developed an innovative prototype that is worth thinking about further."
In the Cross Innovation Lab, companies come together in changing constellations over a period of six weeks to work together on product developments in a stimulating environment. Experts from the creative industries are specifically involved in the process.
In the iterative work process, companies develop new products or product adaptations in a significantly reduced amount of time.
Hamburg Wasser closes the water cycle in the Hanseatic city. It combines drinking water supply and wastewater disposal in one municipal company and, with 175 years of experience, is actually the oldest public water supply company on the European continent. Every day, 2,200 people work to ensure a stable water supply in the city and develop innovative solutions in the process.
Stromnetz Hamburg
Stromnetz Hamburg is the municipal operating company for the municipal electricity grid and the associated services. Every day, 1,300 people work to ensure a smooth supply and develop innovative solutions for the city of the future with digital electricity meters and e-charging stations for electric cars.
Kommunikationsdesign, Nachhaltigkeit, Branding, Konzept