Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Short application procedure

Our short procedure enables uncomplicated funding of small projects up to 2,500 euros. Applications can be submitted from 16 September. Decisions are made within 14 days of submission of the complete documents, if possible.

Short application procedure -

The short procedure enables small projects to be funded quickly and easily. Projects with a funding requirement of up to 2,500 euros (per project) can take part from 16 September.

  • Applications in the short procedure can be submitted at any time.
  • Funding decisions will be made within 14 days of receipt of the complete application documents by representatives of the City Centre Coordination, the District Office of Mitte, BSW and Kreativ Gesellschaft.
  • The funding contract, call for funds, proof of utilisation, documentation and evaluation correspond to the standard procedure.
  • The short procedure is only offered as long as funds are available.

The application form will be available online here from 16 September 2024.
You can find all the details about the short procedure in the FAQs.

Tender documents

Unsere Partner*innen

Die Pilotprojekte sind Teil des Hamburger Programms "Verborgene Potenziale – Gemeinschaftliche Entwicklung der Nutzungsvielfalt für eine lebendige und resiliente Hamburger Innenstadt“, für das die Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen Gelder aus dem Förderprogramm "Zukunftsfähige Innenstädte und Zentren" des Bundesministeriums für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen erhält.

Short application procedure – Hamburg Kreativ GesellschaftShort application procedure – Hamburg Kreativ GesellschaftShort application procedure – Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Contact persons

Clara Bökelheide -
  • Clara Bökelheide
  • Project Manager Pilotprojekte
  • 040 2372435-50
  • Kurzbiografie
  • Clara Bökelheide is a project manager in the pilot projects. She previously supported the Counselling & Further Education team as a project assistant. She studied Cultural Studies (B.A.) and Cultural Studies: Culture & Organisation (M.A.) at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. She is also involved in lunatic e.V., which organises the lunatic festival for art, music and culture in Lüneburg every year at the beginning of June. She is responsible for administration and finances in the organisation.

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