Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Pilotprojekte: Deine Ideen für die Zukunft der Hamburger Innenstadt!

Do you have creative ideas on how to make Hamburg's city centre even more vibrant and diverse? Then you've come to the right place! We are looking for exciting pilot projects that show what the future of our city centre could look like.

Pilotprojekte: Deine Ideen für die Zukunft der Hamburger Innenstadt! -

Do you have creative ideas on how to make Hamburg's city centre even more lively and diverse? Then you've come to the right place! We are looking for exciting pilot projects that show what the future of our city centre could look like. Whether cultural highlights, social initiatives or innovative utilisation concepts - if you have a vision, we want to hear about it!

What are we looking for?

  • Projects that are relevant to Hamburg's city centre.
  • Ideas that increase the variety of possible uses in the city centre.
  • Concepts that try out new approaches for the future of the city centre and make them visible.
  • Projects that follow the target compass for city centre development (as of June 2024)

What do we offer?

Each selected project will receive funding of up to 50,000 euros from our programme. We want to support your ideas and enable their realisation. Our initiative is part of the programme "Hidden Potentials - Community Development of Diversity of Use for a Vibrant and Resilient Hamburg City Centre", funded by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR).

Who can take part?

Everyone! Whether you are a creative mind, an institution or an association - if you have a project that can enrich our city centre, we would like to see your application. The Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft will organise the call and selection process and help you with the funding and implementation of your project.

Why are we doing this?

Our aim is to make Hamburg's city centre a place that is attractive and lively not only today, but also in the future. We want to promote innovative ideas and work together to develop new ways of using our city centre.

Let's discover and utilise the hidden potential of Hamburg's city centre together!
You can find the exact details of the call for applications in our FAQs.

We look forward to receiving your application and are excited to hear your ideas!

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Hamburg's best-known shopping street becomes the site of the largest creative business interim use in Germany.

Pilotprojekte: Deine Ideen für die Zukunft der Hamburger Innenstadt!

Contact persons

Celina Behn -
  • Celina Behn
  • working student
  • 040 2372435-50
  • Kurzbiografie
  • Celina Behn is in charge of the funding program "Frei_Fläche: Raum für kreative Zwischennutzung" (Free_space: space for creative interim use) as project manager within our Space unit.

    Celina Behn studied Urban Planning at HafenCity University Hamburg and has already worked in various practical fields in the urban development sector. In various projects (including with Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft), she dealt thoroughly with the interactions between creative industries and urban development.

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