SPACE opens in Hamburg's Speicherstadt warehouse district
From 4 September 2023, the new innovation space SPACE in Hamburg's Speicherstadt will open its doors to companies, start-ups and freelancers from the content and technology industry.
From 4 September 2023, the new innovation space SPACE in Hamburg's Speicherstadt will open its doors to companies, start-ups and freelancers from the content and technology industry.
The media content generated by the content and technology industries, such as digital newspapers, books, films, games and music, promotes education, cultural diversity and social inclusion. This content is now so fundamental to our everyday lives that its collaborative development is in the interest of society. New technologies, such as artificial intelligence, also have the potential to bring about profound changes in our society, similar to the internet, and are greatly accelerating this change.
In SPACE, solutions for relevant questions of the future are to be developed through close cooperation between content and technology companies. Among other things, it is about the financing of quality journalism, the influence of social platforms, the potential of the metaverse, the ethical handling of data and the application of artificial intelligence in product development.
"As one of the most important media locations in Germany, it is important for the city of Hamburg to promote cooperation between the creative industries and the technology sector. Our open society will continue to need free media in the future. For this, it is important that we also face up to technological change here and actively help to shape it. Through the formats of nextMedia.Hamburg and the new possibility of regular exchange in SPACE, there is a real opportunity to advance new technologies such as creative AI and their potential for the media industry."
SPACE is the first European project of its kind. Located on the seventh floor of the M28 creative warehouse, it offers over 600 square metres of space for collaborative work, events, workshops, content creation, technology knowledge and informal get-togethers.
Hamburg's content and technology industry can use the SPACE for open community events and book free workstations on a daily basis. In addition, start-ups and founders with business models from the fields of MediaTech, AdTech, CreativeTech, MusicTech or GamesTech have the opportunity to apply for free workstations in the flex-desk area of the SPACE as part of the workspace funding.
SPACE's partners are the Hamburg-based publishing house Carlsen Verlag, the production company and streaming platform Rocket Beans, the media companies Ströer and Bauer Media, the technology groups Google, Meta and Snap, and the creative agency Jung von Matt. In addition, the associations ARIC (Artificial lntelligence Center Hamburg) and nextReality.Hamburg are participating as technology competence partners.
"Our concept behind the SPACE is quite unique worldwide, an experiment in itself, so to speak. SPACE is designed to grow with the needs of the industry and through the participation of partners."
The design implementation of the concept was handled by the renowned Hamburg studio Besau-Marguerre, who transformed the tradition-steeped floor into a lively place through the thoughtful colour design and flowing transitions.
nextMedia.Hamburg continuously invites people to learn and exchange in the SPACE on changing focus topics. As early as the fourth quarter of 2023, a multifaceted programme will take place around the possibilities of artificial intelligence, which will be developed together with a board of trustees as well as the partners.
Numerous innovation formats from different teams of Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft will also be anchored in a common location at SPACE in the future, enabling mutual inspiration and strengthening synergies between the entire creative and technology industry. For example, the 15 start-ups from the incubators Media Lift, Games Lift and Music WorX will work together in SPACE in future and develop their business models further from there.
"Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft has been successfully driving innovation in the Hanseatic city for years. With SPACE, we are focusing on finding solutions for the massive challenges of the content industry on the one hand, and on the other hand we can bundle the innovative potentials of the creative industries at this location for the first time and thus make them visible."
SPACE was successfully placed as a media innovation project for Hamburg in the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF programme) 2021-2027 and is to receive ERDF funding with the new funding period. Co-funding is provided by the Ministry of Culture and Media to strengthen the innovative power of Hamburg's media landscape.
Access and directions
Am Sandtorkai 27
20457 Hamburg-HafenCity HVV: U4 to Überseequartier
About nextMedia.Hamburg
nextMedia.Hamburg is the first point of contact and innovation support for Hamburg's media and digital industry. Its goal is to expand Hamburg's top position as a media and digital location. To this end, the initiative promotes sustainable business models at the interface between content and technology with various (innovation) programmes, events and content. nextMedia.Hamburg is supported by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and is part of Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft. Further information on the initiative is available at
About Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft is the municipal institution for the promotion of Hamburg's creative industries. As a direct contact and service point, it is open to all creative actors and companies in the Hanseatic city. More knowledge, space, financing and innovation for Hamburg's creative professionals - this is the mission to which Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft has been dedicated since 2010. One of its tasks is to improve the framework conditions for the creative industries in Hamburg and to act as an interface - between the various sectors of the creative industries, but also with other actors from business, politics and society.
Note: The use of the image material is only permitted if the full copyright and the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft and nextMedia.Hamburg are mentioned. The copyright details can be found in the image descriptions.
Paula ist bei nextMedia.Hamburg für die Kommunikation zuständig. Sie studierte Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften und Politik an der Martin-Luther-Universität in Halle (Saale) und arbeitete nebenher bei einer Fernsehproduktionsfirma in Leipzig. Zudem sammelte sie bei verschiedenen Stationen bereits Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Journalismus, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Eventmanagement.