Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

How do creative interim uses last, Martin Wolfrat?

Temporary uses bring new life to city centres. They have a future if they fit perfectly into the neighbourhood, says Martin Wolfrat, Head of Hamburg at Art-Invest. The property company is one of the most important partners of the Frei_Fläche project - and is already thinking about its continuation.

How do creative interim uses last, Martin Wolfrat? -

Mr Wolfrat, in 2021 the Senate launched the "Frei_Fläche: Raum für kreative Zwischennutzung" funding programme worth around nine million euros to counteract the decline in retail shops with creative projects. Do we need a state-subsidised programme to stimulate change in the city centre?

Yes, it was precisely during the pandemic that this engine was needed. Of course, we had already recognised and focused on the topic of pop-up stores in the real estate industry beforehand. As Art-Invest, we have already realised various concepts on Alter Wall, for example. Not always with creative people, but above all with new and fresh ideas that are fundamentally needed in the city centre. If only to incentivise people to go there again.

What made you decide to use the Frei_Fläche programme?

What we liked was the flexibility in terms of time. Contracts are concluded at short notice and can be extended just as quickly as required - or not. This means that no long-term project development is blocked. And the coordination process at the beginning was also very straightforward. That's why I was so enthusiastic and we immediately rolled out the programme at other locations and properties here in Hamburg. But what I particularly appreciate about the Frei_Fläche programme is the extensive and valuable portfolio of creative projects that Kreativ Gesellschaft makes available. It enables a very fine curation. You can see exactly which concept suits the neighbourhood or the property, just as you can see whether the creative person feels comfortable there. This was very helpful and decisive for the occupancy of the spaces.

Was ich aber besonders am Programm Frei_Fläche schätze, ist das umfangreiche und wertvolle Portfolio an kreativen Projekten, das die Kreativ Gesellschaft zur Verfügung stellt. Es ermöglicht eine sehr feine Kuration. Man kann genau schauen, welches Konzept zum Quartier oder zur Immobilie passt, genauso wie man umgekehrt schauen kann, ob auch der oder die Kreative sich dort wohlfühlt. Das war für die Belegung der Flächen sehr hilfreich und entscheidend.

"What I particularly appreciate about the Frei_Fläche programme is the extensive and valuable portfolio of creative projects that Kreativ Gesellschaft makes available. It enables a very fine curation."

Can you give us an example?

At Alter Wall we have the themes: Fine Shopping, Fine Art, Fine Dining. We curated to match these themes. The fact that we were able to organise several small areas there together with Kreativ Gesellschaft has made it much more diverse. We have realised that themes such as young fashion, for example the use of Alina Klemm, can really become a centre of attraction. With exciting projects such as Nights Glow Dark or La Tribune Noire, we also had creative people who also sent out a message, which is a really great sign. What really surprised me was the dialogue that took place between the properties. The communication between the tenants has become completely different, much more intensive. This has also freshened up the whole thing, which was really very exciting and enriching.

"What really surprised me was the dialogue that took place between the properties. Communication between the tenants has become completely different, much more intensive."

It is unlikely that the retail space in the city centre will be permanently subsidised. What will you take with you when the subsidy runs out? How can things continue then?

We basically need good ideas in the city centre to keep it attractive. In my opinion, the Kreativ Gesellschaft programme has supported this very well, as it has enabled really new and exciting concepts to be implemented. We have learnt a lot from this and are looking at how we can integrate it further. My vision is to transfer the network that Kreativ Gesellschaft has to other neighbourhoods in order to revitalise them.

"In my opinion, the Kreativ Gesellschaft programme has supported this very well, as it has enabled really new and exciting concepts to be implemented."

We are constantly faced with the challenge of occupying retail space with exciting concepts. After all, the ground floor space in particular is crucial for what happens above it. I think we should definitely expand and continue to utilise this cooperation - whether it is funded or not. At least we know who we can approach and with whom we can continue to develop these issues. There are already some initial approaches.

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