Pop-up office
Would you like to change the working culture in your company and establish a culture of innovation? Then come to the pop-up office!
Would you like to change the working culture in your company and establish a culture of innovation? Then come to the pop-up office!
An agile working and innovation culture is fundamentally important for companies in order to remain competitive - both in terms of their own business and in recruiting skilled labour. The lever: transformation from within - in other words, rethinking and establishing internal structures and processes. This sounds relatively simple, but for many people, departments and companies it is often impossible to achieve on their own.
For around three days, we bring decision-makers from various companies to an inspiring location and form mixed teams together with Hamburg's top creative minds. Inspired by experts, the teams go through so-called moderated "culture sprints": relevant construction sites in the corporate culture are defined and concrete individual solutions are developed. The aim is to subsequently apply new practices and ideas from the pop-up office in a professional context.
Companies and organisations of all industries and sizes as well as stakeholders from the public sector
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Hannah Kemper is head of the German Creative Economy Summit and also works as a programme manager in the conception and implementation of the Cross Innovation Hub at Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft. Previously, she was part of the Consultancy & Training team, where she worked as project manager for the Creative Business Academy.
She studied Cultural Anthropology and Art History (M.A.) at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
Nicole Wittek ist im Cross Innovation Hub für den Bereich Kooperationen und Partnermanagement zuständig. Nicole studierte Kulturwissenschaften, Medienwissenschaften und Betriebswirtschaftslehre im Bachelor und vertiefte Kulturwissenschaften im Master an der Universität Regensburg. In Regensburg baute sie den Bereich Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaftsförderung mit auf und war maßgeblich für die Entwicklung und das Management des innerstädtischen Kreativzentrums verantwortlich. Ehrenamtlich organisierte sie bereits während ihres Studiums und darüber hinaus zahlreiche Projekte an der Schnittstelle von Kultur, Kreativwirtschaft und Stadtentwicklung.
Zuletzt arbeitete sie in einem interdisziplinären Hamburger Büro für Stadtentwicklung. Dort konzipierte sie co-kreative Formate im Bereich Placemaking und setzte diese in Projekten zur Innenstadtentwicklung und Mobilität um. Nicole ist Gründungs- und Vorstandsmitglied des Hamburger Vereins obenstadt e.V., der sich für mehr multifunktionale Dachnutzungen in Hamburg einsetzt und war Mitinitiatorin der ersten Hamburger Dachtage.