Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Cross Innovation News & Stories

Here you will find stories, background information and news from the Cross Innovation cosmos.

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Cross Innovation News & Stories -

More Circular Design! Karel Golta calls for a new era of design thinking

The innovation pioneer Karel Golta sees circular design as the key to a sustainable future. His plea: we need to redefine the way we design products.

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High time for innovation: 3 top formats start in September

Innovations make organisations more resilient, products and services more relevant, jobs more desirable and, ideally, the world a little better. The Cross Innovation Hub of Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft has concrete solutions for your specific challenges.

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"If we penalise disruption, we are dead as a society"

Creatives are driving social transformation, as journalist and author Wolf Lotter writes - but they often have a hard time in large companies. A conversation about curiosity as the most important resource and the end of routine work.

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How cross innovations expand the scope for new solutions

The economy needs more cross innovations. Fraunhofer expert Dr Daniel Strecker explains in an interview why this is the case and what exactly the benefits are.

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How cross innovation can make flying more sustainable

The furnishing of aircraft cabins is currently not very sustainable, as the individual parts are heavy and can hardly be recycled, says entrepreneur Dr Christian-André Keun. He wants to change this - together with designer Sebastian Mends-Cole.

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The circle is complete: these are the results of the Cross Innovation Class 2023

At the final event of the Cross Innovation Class 2023 at the Design Zentrum Hamburg, five prototypes were presented that are intended to move CircularCities forward. The Cross Innovation Class format brings together students from different universities and disciplines to design market-ready prototypes for companies.

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Design is a matter for the boss: For the presence of decision-makers in the process

Crises, a shortage of skilled labour, increasing complexity and new competitive structures are major challenges that confront almost every industry with the question of how to deal with change. One option is the path of resilience.

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Business as usual? About a medium-sized company that breaks out

Medical technology products such as external ventricular drainage (EVD for short) sell well, not least because the manufacturer Spiegelberg, as a small medium-sized company, promises "Tradition Made in Germany". But tradition often also means high manufacturing costs and outdated design. Time for a change.

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Innovation to go: The top 4 takeaways from Cross Innovation Day

A day of innovation and expertise to take home. That was the Cross Innovation Day under the motto "Changing perspectives - shaping the future together"

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Circular economy explained: Interview with the founders of the Cradle to Cradle NGO

in 2023, the Cross Innovation Hub will be all about circularity. Berlin-based BGO Cradle to Cradle is a pioneer in the field of the circular economy. In this interview, the two founders Nora Sophie Griefahn and Tim Janßen talk about the value of raw materials and the courage to embrace change.

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