Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Hamburg Design Talk #9: How does design work in public space?

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The appearance and character of a city are not only shaped by its architecture, but also by the targeted design of the public space. This can involve wayfinding systems, art on buildings, fountains or green spaces - but also conversions, legal and illegal façade design or projects with citizen participation.

The face of our city is changing. This is particularly evident in recent years: through large construction projects on the one hand and vacancies on the other. But also through land reuse, where new green strips or outdoor gastronomy are being created on former car parks. The design possibilities in public space are many and varied.

The speakers at the ninth Design Talk are connected to the topic in different ways in practice - and they will address the following questions, among others:

How can art and design installations change the quality of stay in squares? Who is allowed to design the city? How can residents get involved in the design process? What means are permitted? And who actually pays for it?


Theresa Michel


Theresa Michel is a cultural scientist and curator at IMAGINE THE CITY in Hamburg's HafenCity. Here she researches and works on the possibilities of artistic interventions at the intersections of social, physical and digital public space.

Prof. Jesko Fezer

Professor at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg

Jesko Fezer works as a designer. In different collaborations he deals with the social relevance of design practice. He works with ifau on architectural projects, is co-founder of the bookstore Pro qm in Berlin and part of the studio Kooperative für Darstellungspolitik. He co-edits Bauwelt Fundamente and the study booklets for problem-oriented design. He is a professor of experimental design at the HFBK and has been running the St. Pauli Public Design Consultancy with students since 2011.

Til from PUSH

Street art collective PUSH

Til has been an activist in the Hamburg subculture scene since his youth. He started his career in the early graffiti and hiphop movement. in 2011, he founded the PUSH Crew, which specialised in three-dimensional objects made of Styrofoam - and is now a present part of the cityscape. Til is a co-founder of Street Art School, an active part of the Gängeviertel and a long-time supporter of the Millerntor Gallery.

What to expect:

Hamburg Design Talks - one evening, one main topic, different perspectives. Selected speakers will give you a deeper insight into their projects and work and let you participate in their working and thinking processes. In this format, we want to let the different design disciplines have their say and thus create an interesting and diverse atmosphere. Questions and contributions to the discussion are welcome!

Notes on the event

Admission from 18:30 via the waterfront of the Elbarkaden.

Cool drinks will be available at the bar - cash only!

Please note: Photos and films will be taken during the event for public relations purposes.

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