Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Gamecity Impulse: Accessibility and Inclusion in Game Design

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Join us for a talk by Aksel Englund from Mojang Studios about how game companies can improve and include accessibility in Game Design

Everyone is talking about accessibility in games and inclusion, but how can game companies actively improve and implement accessibility? What challenges do studios face? What are examples and best practices for accessibility in Game Design?

To answer these questions and talk about best practices on accessibility in Game Design, Aksel Englund from Mojang Studios will join our Gamecity Impulse event on February 22, from 6 pm.

This event is part of our event series “Gamecity Impulse” which covers diversity-related topics in different fields of the games industry and gaming culture

This event will be held in English.

Event Schedule for February 22:

  • 6:00 pm (CEST): Welcome words by Gamecity Hamburg & Introduction
  • 6:05 pm (CEST): Impulse Talk & afterwards: questions from the audience
  • 7:30 pm (CEST): End of event

An invitation with the Zoom link to the event will be sent to you shortly after registration.

Meet our Expert: Aksel Englund

Aksel is a games UX designer at Mojang who leads accessibility within their creative teams. With a focus on making games playable and enjoyable for all players, regardless of who they are, Aksel has worked on a range of games from casual games to complex multiplayer games. He takes a collaborative approach to design and is passionate about promoting best practices in game design for accessibility and inclusivity.

He will talk about "Accessibility and Inclusion in Game Design".

What is Gamecity Impulse?

Gamers are diverse: Around 2,2 billion people around the world play video games, coming from a multitude of ethnic and religious backgrounds, nationalities, genders and sexual identities, abilities, age and language groups. The communities that form around games and the teams that make the games aren't always as diverse. This has already sparked a host of discussions throughout the games industry and community. The German games industry has picked up on the topic, by starting the joint declaration “Hier spielt Vielfalt”, as well engaging in projects, discussions and initiatives as individual companies, associations and people.

As Gamecity Hamburg, we want to contribute to the important discourse by hosting talks and panel discussions on diversity-related topics in different fields of the games industry and gaming culture in our digital event series “Gamecity Impulse”. We hope to help raise awareness of, start discussions, provide food for thought as well as offer industry insights on ways to improve equality, diversity and inclusion.

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