Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Für Vermieter*innen

As an expert for creative interim uses, we are the first address for the management of unused spaces. Frei_Fläche prevents vacancies, revitalises the neighbourhood and enables costs to be covered.

Für Vermieter*innen -

The funding programme supports landlords in different ways: On the one hand, it covers the running costs of the vacancy by assuming all operating and ancillary costs (including insurance, if applicable). On the other hand, the creative interim use revitalises the neighbourhood. It protects against vandalism, promotes cultural life and thus ensures that the property is integrated into a lively infrastructure - even beyond the period of interim use. The effort for you as a landlord is low, as we initiate, implement and supervise the interim uses.

By the way, so-called "intermediaries" can also rent larger spaces and sublet them to creative professionals. Intermediaries are usually organisations or companies that want to rent a space to their community at a reasonable price. They make a monthly contribution of 1.00 euro per square metre, the rest is paid by the funding programme. Intermediaries submit an application here.

Contact persons

Celina Behn -
  • Celina Behn
  • Project Manager
  • 040 2372435-49
  • Kurzbiografie
  • Celina Behn is in charge of the funding program "Frei_Fläche: Raum für kreative Zwischennutzung" (Free_space: space for creative interim use) as project manager within our Space unit.

    Celina Behn studied Urban Planning at HafenCity University Hamburg and has already worked in various practical fields in the urban development sector. In various projects (including with Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft), she dealt thoroughly with the interactions between creative industries and urban development.

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