Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Jupiter Day

Hamburg celebrates creative interim use in former department stores' with all-day art and cultural programme.

Jupiter Day -

On 30 September 2023, Hamburg celebrates Jupiter Day. On the six floors of the former department stores', the creative planet Jupiter shows everything it has to offer: Art and culture, café, bar and market, family programme, DJs and much more. With Jupiter - the largest project of the Frei_Fläche funding programme - Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft proves the success and potential of creative interim use in Hamburg's city centre.

  • Jupiter Day: 30.9.2023, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Mönckebergstraße 2-4, free admission
  • Jupiter, formerly Karstadt Sports, is the largest inner-city, creative business interim use in Germany with around 8,000 sqm of space.
  • With the support programme "Frei_Fläche", more than 100 interim uses have already been made possible and 24,000 sqm of vacant space have been revitalised.

Since April, Jupiter has once again been an exciting field of experimentation: the interim use in the former department stores' has developed into a popular focal point in Hamburg's city centre, providing creative concepts with the necessary visibility and giving new impetus to the city. This will be celebrated on Jupiter Day with an extensive art and cultural programme.

Among others, there will be: Hanseatische Materialverwaltung, Jupiter Kids with Galli Theater, Pop Up Art Galerie, Kanal 3 Kollektiv, Hamburger Kunstgalerie, University of Hamburg, Freelens, Landesverband Hamburger Galerien, International Shopping Space ISS.

Former department stores' is now a creative hotspot

Jupiter is centrally located in Hamburg's city centre: on the city's most famous shopping street, in the immediate vicinity of the main railway station and opposite the Saturn electronics chain. The building offers around 8,000 sqm of space on six floors and a striking roof terrace. Due to the juxtaposition of uses lasting several months and temporary events (trade fairs, markets, festivals, exhibitions and music events), the Kreativplanet is constantly changing.

Frei_Fläche - Space for creative temporary use

Jupiter is the largest of 72 interim-use spaces so far in the "Frei_Fläche" funding programme, which was launched by the city in June 2021 to deal with the Corona crisis and has currently been extended until 31 December 2023. Frei_Fläche prevents vacancies, gives creative people space for their concepts and strengthens the transformation towards a diverse and lively city centre. The current 41 locations include well-known addresses such as Alter Wall, Colonnaden, Brandstwiete and Baakenhafen - plus spaces in arcades and shopping centres such as the Hanseviertel, Hamburger Hof and Springerquartier. The development programme is also reviving former vacancies outside the city centre - for example in the Mundsburg Center, Wandsbek Quarree and City Center Bergedorf.

Success model: 24,000 sqm of vacancies already prevented in Hamburg

Since its launch, Frei_Fläche has already revitalised around 24,000 sqm of vacant space and made room for 106 creative interim uses possible. The creative people receive the space at a price of 1.50 euros per square metre per month. No rent is paid; the programme only covers the vacancy costs incurred. The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg has budget funds of 4.3 million euros available for the implementation of the programme in 2023.

About Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft is the municipal institution for the promotion of Hamburg's creative industries. As a direct contact and service point, it is open to all creative actors and companies in the Hanseatic city. More knowledge, space, financing and innovation for Hamburg's creative professionals - that is the mission to which Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft has been dedicated since 2010.

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Contact persons

Clara Tischer -
  • Clara Tischer
  • Communication Manager Frei_Fläche and Design Zentrum Hamburg
  • 040 2372435-38
  • Kurzbiografie
  • Philipp Götz kommuniziert für die Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft das Programm Frei_Fläche und das Design Zentrum Hamburg. Seit seinem Studium an der Universität Hamburg und der Leuphana Universität bewegt sich der Kulturwissenschaftler an der Schnittstelle von Kommunikation, Architektur und Stadtentwicklung. Ob Gruner + Jahr, Internationale Bauausstellung oder Denkmalschutz – beruflich hat Philipp die Stadt bereits aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln kennengelernt. Zuletzt war er im Bereich PR für den Bildungsbau der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg tätig.

Olga Frick -
  • Olga Frick
  • Digital Marketing Managerin
  • 040 2372435-35
  • Kurzbiografie
  • Olga Frick ist als Digital Marketing Managerin Teil des Kommunikationsteams bei der Kreativ Gesellschaft, wo sie für den strategischen Ausbau der digitalen Kanäle verantwortlich ist.

    Nach einem Studium in Kommunikationsdesign an der Kunstschule Wandsbek schloss Olga ein weiteres in BWL mit dem Schwerpunkt Marketing an der Hessischen BA ab. Ihr Weg führte von der Verlags- in die Agenturwelt – von Design offline hin zur Beratung von internationalen Marken für ihre online Kanäle.

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