Initiatives of theHamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Open Call: Innovation makers wanted

Would you like to support companies from the private and public sectors in becoming innovative and fit for the future? Then join the pool of creatives at the Cross Innovation Hub. Apply now until 5 November!

Open Call: Innovation makers wanted -

The Cross Innovation Hub brings together companies from all sectors with the best of Hamburg's creative industries. For example, design, music, theatre, architecture, advertising, literature, visual arts or games development meet aviation, logistics, administration, science or the energy industry. Together they develop innovative solutions for the economic and social challenges of our time - from the idea to the market-ready prototype.

Become part of this special project of the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft and a permanent member of our pool of creatives, which we would like to increase from the current 50 to around 75 players. You will work at eye level with decision-makers and employees from organisations of all industries and sizes in formats developed and moderated by us.

Over a period of at least one year, you will have the opportunity to develop pioneering, innovative solutions in the field of collaboration and innovation culture, products, services, processes and business models in interdisciplinary teams. You will be deployed in formats such as Attack your Business, Cross Innovation Lab, Pop-up Office or in topic-specific think tanks.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for visionary and motivated makers in the creative industries - from the various fields of design (especially speculative and experimental design, UI/UX design, communication and industrial design, etc.), software & games, performing and visual arts, architecture, film as well as literature, music, press, radio, theatre/dance and advertising.

Are you self-employed, a freelancer or an employee in a creative company, do you live or work in Hamburg and have the following skills? Then you've come to the right place!

  • Visionary thinking, a non-conformist way of working and an open mindset

  • A desire to create, a wealth of ideas, professional expertise, high quality standards and motivation

  • Interest and ideally initial experience in business development and/or employer branding

  • Ideally expertise in the areas of sustainability, circular economy or Cradle2Cradle

  • Technological expertise, especially in the field of generative AI, is an advantage

  • Expertise in narrative development and storytelling an advantage

  • Initial experience with foresight and design thinking methods, design fiction or future thinking desirable

  • Cross innovation is no personality show: the ability to work in a team and enjoy collaborating as equals is particularly important to us

Duration, commitment and remuneration

  • Duration: January 2025 to December 2025, possibly longer

  • Assignment: We endeavour to deploy you at least once or several times over the year for different formats.however, there is no guarantee, as the number of assignments depends largely on the individual challenges of the companies. You will be informed about your assignment in good time.

  • 720 Euro daily rate (eight hours, excl. break)


  • We take over the matching with companies and the overall project management and moderation - you concentrate fully on your tasks and skills.

  • You gain access to exciting sectors and markets (aviation, retail, logistics, mobility, industry, healthcare and many more)

  • You will expand your network through exchange and cooperation with industry experts and decision-makers from the business world in Germany and, in some cases, internationally.

  • You will learn or improve your methodological knowledge in the field of cross and open innovation.

  • You will be part of a first-class community with Hamburg's strongest creatives.

Interested? Apply now!

We look forward to receiving your application by 5 November 2024.
Click here for the application form.

Contact persons

Hannah Kemper -
  • Hannah Kemper
  • Project Lead German Creative Economy Summit and Programme Manager Cross Innovation Hub
  • 040 2372435-59
  • Kurzbiografie
  • Hannah Kemper is head of the German Creative Economy Summit and also works as a programme manager in the conception and implementation of the Cross Innovation Hub at Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft. Previously, she was part of the Consultancy & Training team, where she worked as project manager for the Creative Business Academy.

    She studied Cultural Anthropology and Art History (M.A.) at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.

Raffaela Seitz -
  • Raffaela Seitz
  • Cross Innovation Hub
  • 040 2372435-83
  • Kurzbiografie
  • Seit 2021 teilt sich Raffaela Seitz mit Louisa Steinwärder die Leitung des Cross Innovation Hub. Zuvor widmete sie sich der Konzeption und Organisation branchenübergreifender Angebote im Bereich des Cross Innovation Hub.

    Als studierte Kulturwissenschaftlerin (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg) und Kunsthistorikerin (University College London) mit ökonomischem Studienhintergrund (Universität Mannheim, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, London School of Economics and Political Science) bewegt sich Raffaela Seitz an der Schnittstelle von Kunst, Kultur, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. Bevor Raffaela Seitz das Team der Kreativ Gesellschaft verstärkte, war sie im Bereich strategische Innovationsberatung und Trendforschung tätig.

    Der Cross Innovation Hub wird vom Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) gefördert.

Cases from the Cross Innovation Hub

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